Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Birthday

Well folks, today is the day!! It's my fortieth birthday. That sounds so crazy!! 40. For some reason it makes me smile.

In some ways it's just a number, another day in a life. I am not so sure. I think I have said it before, that birthdays are a time to reflect and take stock. And when you get to a milestone day...the reflection and taking stock is a bit more intense.

What can I say....I am happy. I am good with where I am in my life. I can honestly say I am not looking at today and wishing I was somewhere else along the path. I am content to be here, and that can't be bad.

I wish I had something really insightful or profound to say...but I don't.

I guess what helps a bit today is the fact that yesterday I once again realized the fragility of life. Someone where I work (I don't work with them directly, or ever even actually met them) died in a car accident yesterday. Totally random. That, more than a 40th birthday makes you think about life and where you are. You get up for work in the morning, usual routine, thinking about the day ahead - then it's all gone.

I know it sounds cliche, but it puts things in perspective. Even though I didn't know this person, it touches a chord in me. I definitely need to treat my life as a gift and remember not to squander it.

The picture today is from November 6, 2007 - my birthday last year, with my friend Lindsay. I look at that picture and smile, thinking about how much I have changed, and all the things that have happened to me in the past 12 months.

I think I might actually be growing up.


Justin Van Leeuwen said...

Shit, I knew this, but I was at a retreat all yesterday (WITH BEER!). Happy Birthday and Dutton-Jones still looks hot - tell her to trade baby pictures with me.


Justin Van Leeuwen said...

P.S. cheated by putting up an old photo!

You "work" with 10,000 people - everyone dies; don't take it personally.

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