Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gearing up...

It's my birthday this week...a big one! Yes ladies and gentlemen, I will be 40 this week. Yeah, I know all the stuff about 'age is just a number' and all that jazz. And to a certain extent, I agree. But I do think birthdays in general (and especially 'big' ones) are a time for reflection and assessment. And I think that's the stuff that gets people upset more than the actual age. (Maybe I am stating the obvious, here.)

So here I sit on the cusp of 40 - what reflection and assessment will I be doing this week?

I think that the ultimate question, and the one that really matters is, am I happy? At the end of the day I lead a very fortunate life. I have a good job, I have a great apartment, great friends and family. I think it's really easy to look at all the 'bad' stuff in ones life, and focus on that. But really, as I sit here, I don't have much, if anything to complain about.

This past year for me has been one of growth, learning and adventure. 365 days ago, I never would have imagined all of the stuff that was to transpire. Some of it was great, some of it was not so great. As much as this year has been adventurous and amazing, it's also been somewhat difficult at points. All of it together (the good and bad) have led me to being a stronger and happier person than I was last year at this time.

Bottom line, isn't that all it's about - being able to recognize growth and progress in ourselves? For me, that's the key. I don't mean it to sound like it's a race, or something to beat year over year. It's more like, on the 'path of life,' am I making progress. (Wow, am I sounding new-agey or what???) By nature, I move forward, because time does. But, am I making the most of the time I am given? I have to say....a hesitant yes. Could I be better at living in the moment? Yes. Could I be better at living my life more fully? Yes. So....I guess I have the things I need to work on for the next 365 days.

To kick off my birthday week...yes, I have a birthday week, don't you??? Some friends and I headed to Niagara Falls for the weekend. (As I write this, I am in the lobby of the hotel sipping coffee....friends are late sleepers.) Took some pictures of the falls yesterday. The pic today is of the dessert from last night...creme brulee. It could possibly been the best that I have ever had.

Niagara Falls

So....happy birthday to me!!!! And let the festivities begin. :)

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